Forest Fire

 Forest Fire is a word given to fire starting or occurring in the woods and causing the trees and other vegetation on fire. Simply it is a term given to fire in jungles causing loss. It is a disaster caused by both human carelessness and naturally.Like any other disasters it only causes loss and harms everyone directly or indirectly.It occurs naturally during summer and dry climate.It can cause the loss of vegetation, animal extinction, misbalance in ecosystem or water cycle, loss of animal or human lives and properties, etc. Forest fire now -a-days is a common name. Most of the people must have heard it.It had recently been reported about the mighty Amazon on fire. Even huge forests in 
Australia had a huge loss due to forest fire. It is getting more common every day as it is very frequent. It is a shame on humanity because we can save the woods and save our lives but people don't seem to be affected yet.A lot of people around the world forget that living necessities are not only food,water,land and facilities,but also a nice environment.It has bad effects on other necessities such as lack of food due to vegetation loss, fire produces gases harmful for us to inhale, harmful gases mix in water or even mix with clouds which creates it to rain and fill up water sources with unhealthy water, etc.
        One day, during a jungle safari with me and my friends we saw trees on fire.As we went closer it seemed more and more dreadful. The guide who was with us told not to worry. I felt at peace but when he said that the fire was created by nature and will reduce itself I was at great shock.No body cared about it.I felt great shame because it is us destroying the nature but every one is suffering.
        We all are to be blamed. We hurt nature and ignore the fact we did anything to it. We think about different plans to help others and make the world a better place but don't put it in action. In process of just imagining we blame and tell others to change but don't change ourselves. So, we should take our own responsibilities and make sure to give no chance to others for blaming us. Help the name of Forest Fire vanish in the vast world of  peace.

By - Shisan Thapa Magar

Quarantine Life

The life after this devastating disease well known as COVID-19 which was named by WHO(World Health Organization) has been spread all over the world.This disease was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan,China. After the outbreak of the disease there are about 6,464,534 cases 382,729 deaths  around the world. Originally the disease was discovered in 1930s . Due to all this devastating disease spread all over the world there has been drastic changes in the country. There are changes in the air,nature and a huge death rate in the country.After all this disease spread in the world there has been isolation all over the country.The doctors and nurses have been working very hard to cure this disease they have been one of  the most responsible person to recover this disease . We should truly appreciate their effort.

Unlike other countries,our country Nepal has been facing lots of problems though there is less cases compared to other countries . There are about 2,099 cases recovered 266 and 8 deaths .The life of youngsters are truly awful during these quarantine because they have to attend online classes which is truly not the case ,the awful case is being faced by those youngsters who have no internet access and can't join those classes and study. After all these COVID-19 spread in the country the life of class 10,11 and 12 are mainly awful because they haven't attend their final exams and their is no information related to the exams .Talking about the situation faced by adults ,it is also truly awful because they are the people who are responsible for the fulfillment of entire people living in the house they are not able to earn salary during these quarantine and can't fulfill desire at the required time. Even during this COVID-19 situation there has been occurrence of earthquake two times ,but the earthquake was not so huge that it could take lives and properties of people.

When will the school reopen ?

During this world pandemic of  ''novel corona virus '' the world has announced quarantine.

The virus has caused a break out all over the world ,in  every part of the world . the amount of damage it has done is not welcomed by anybody .It has caused deaths of many people .Even the registered cases are multiplying at such a high rate that all the countries are gonna suffer a huge loss which can not be replaced.

Due to the quarantine the schools, colleges, trains ,flights ,etc. had been closed .The laborers and students have had a very long holiday from a long time before till more days to come. Most of the schools and offices have been conducting different online activities .The online classes or meetings are necessary to not lack efficiency or keep on with the progress.

I am also a student . My school has also been conducting online classes . The real question is about when the schools are going to open .The cases in my country are also going up very high each and every day . The cases have reached more than eighteen hundred .Different sites and government accounts have not mentioned about the reopening even once .Nobody is sure about the schools opening .The people and government are all panicked . Although we all want the things back to normal ,it cannot be changed .The opening of school is unpredictable so,saying anything would be meaningless .The quarantine is necessary for safety measures .So we all should follow the safety rules provided by the government to keep us and our family members away from the risks of getting infected .                                                                  


Nagarkot is a former Village Development Committee.It is located in Nepal in Bhaktapur district in the Bagmati Zone.It is considered as one of the most scenic spots in Bhaktapur District.It is known for a sunrise view of the Himalayas including Mount Everest as well as other peaks of the Himalayan range of eastern Nepal.The scenic beauty of the place makes it a very popular hiking route for tourists.It is located approximately 7000ft above sea level and 28 km from Kathmandu International Airport.

Nagarkot commands one of the broadest views of the Himalayas in the Kathmandu valley.The ranges include Annapurna range,Manaslu range,Ganesh Himal range,Langtang range, and Numbur range etc with views of the Kathmandu valley and Shivapuri National Park.A river named sali nadi is on the way to Nagarkot. There are many pine trees on the way to Nagarkot. There are many hotels and resorts in the Nagarkot.The place Nagarkot is rich in  fiber and wood which we get from the plants and trees.

I was going Nagarkot with my friends,teachers and my principal.I was very excited.My sister and aunt came to drop me in the school.It was a fun trip.It was not a long destiny from Lalitpur to Bhaktapur.After reaching Bhaktapur we explored sali nadi and went to Swastani Mata temple after exploring these places we went in a restaurant named Dh Chief's.We were going to do trekking but beacuse of the weather condition it rained so we didn't went for trekking,we went to our buses.It was late so we went in a resort named Niva Niwa,we had our snacks in the resort after having the snacks we went for walk.After the walk we went back to the resort,we changed our clothes and had our dinner,then me and my friend went to our room and slept.The next day,we woke up at 5 a.m to see the sunrise .It was a beautiful experience of watching that beautiful sunrise view.We went for morning walk after coming back from walk ,we came back to our resort and had our breakfast after having the breakfast we went to our buses.We went in a place called Mohan Pokhari.We had a fun time there,we were playing in the water.We changed our clothes because they were wet, then we went back to the buses.We went to Thimi and had our lunch ,we saw people making different kinds of pots and utensils from mud.We came back in our buses to come back to Kathmandu.It was a wonderful time with my friends,teachers and principal.

                                                     💝"IT IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE"💝


Pokhara is a metropolis and the larges city of Nepal in terms of area.It is the provincial capital of Province number 4 ,headquarter of Gandaki zone and Kaski district.It is located 200 kilometers west of the capital kathmandu. Occupying an area of 464.24 km,it is nine times larger than kathmandu,18 times larger than Lalitpur and 2.5 times larger than Bharatpur.The altitude varies from 827 metres in the southern part to 1,740 metres in the north.The Annapurna and Manaslu is within 15-35 miles of the valley.Due to its proximity to the Annapurna mountain range ,the city is a base for trekkers undertaking the Annapurna Circuit through the Annapurna Conservation Area region of the Annapurna ranges in the Himalayas.The mayor of Mayor Mr.Man Bahadur GC and deputy mayor Ms.Manju Gurung.It is the home to many gorkha soldiers.It is the most expensive city in the country,with a cost-of-living index of 150 and the most expensive place in Nepal after Namche Bazaar.In terms of population,and is often referred to as the tourism capital of Nepal.The people living here have ethnicities of Gurung,Bahun,Chhetri,Khas Nepali,Magar and Newar.The people 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍living here follow religions like Hinduism and Buddhism etc.The places in pokhara to visit are very beautiful.These places are fulled with tourists.The place like Phewa Lake is very beautiful in the middle of this lake there is a temple, the name of the temple is Barahi Mandir.It is the most touristic area.The next famous place is Shanti Stupa in Pokhara it is a Buddhist pagoda -style monument.This is located on the Ananda hill.It is the Shrine build as symbol of peace.This stupa adds more beauty to Pokhara valley.It is a perfect holiday place providing a clear view of the Himalayan range,Phewa lake and Pokhara city.The next famous place in Pokhara is Mahendra gufa this gufa is 1100 metres above sea level this gufa attracts 1000 of tourists.
During these travel I was feeling excited because I was travelling with my parents after long period of time.This travelling was not just to have fun it was also a quality time for me to spend with my parents.I had a quality time with my parents.I experienced that the people of Pokhara are very friendly and helpful.The traveltime from Kathmandu to Baglung and Baglung to Pokhara was a full of excitement though I was feeling sick I enjoyed alot. During these travel we had a lot experience of natural beauty. Pokhara is rich in its natural beauty .I was feeling great the day we went to Pokhara we had lot of fun in our hotel with my father,mother and sister,the second day we went to different places to visit and we had a lot of fun there we visited more than 5 places and in the same day we returned back to Kathmandu we arrived Kathmandu at 10 o'clock.During this travel we saw that the tourists are attracted toward pokhara because of its being rich in natural beauty.😍😍😍😍😍😍


My mother

She has taught me to always try my best,to treat everyone equally,to not give up when things get hard.When I make decisions and she doesn't always agree with them ,she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants me to always be happy.She has taught me right from wrong and the significance of self-respect.

She is my mother,the greatest influence in my life.Not only as a mom but also as a friend.Her name is Ranjita Thapa Magar. She is very beautiful and kind hearten lady.I am very lucky that i have my mother but not so lucky than others that I can spend my time with my mother. My mother is always very good to me and so valuable that sometimes I feel like I have no words to describe her.The love I have for her is like a rose of eterinty;it will never die,but unlike a rose ,it will prick not only through my heart and soul.My mother,for whom I have a very deep respect in my heart ,has a most hard working nature.

                                              "I LOVE YOU MOTHER AND MISS YOU 💝💝"
                                                     Hope to meet you very soon.💝😗💘